Tuesday, September 25, 2007

How to Post Advanced Ordered Lists - bbCode Basics

We learned in the previous lesson about the basic use of the [list] tag: How to Create Simple Bulleted Lists.

Now let's go more advanced using options to create ordered lists in bbCode for posts in forums discussions.

The options to use with the list tag are five:

1 - For a numbered list.

A - For an alphabetic with capital letters list.

a - For an alphabetic with lowercase letters list.

I - For a numbered with capital Roman numeral list.

i - For a numbered with small Roman numeral list.

Let's see examples for options 1, A & I:

1 Option - numeral list:

[*]List item.
[*]Another list item.
[*]And another one.

  1. List item.
  2. Another list item.
  3. And another one.

A Option - alphabetic with capital letters list:

[*]List item.
[*]Another list item.
[*]And another one.

  1. List item.
  2. Another list item.
  3. And another one.

I Option - numeral with capital Roman numeral list:

[*]List item.
[*]Another list item.
[*]And another one.

  1. List item.
  2. Another list item.
  3. And another one.
Note: If the instructions above don't work for you, you might be posting on a Simple Machines script based forum (to be sure read this: What Kind of Forum are You Using?), see spacial instructions on posting lists here: Posting Items Lists in Simple Machines Forums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These aren't "advanced"...
Try posting a double list (List inside a list)